Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)Inspection and testing of electrical appliances to ensure they are safe for use in the workplace.
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment - gear worn to minimize exposure to workplace hazards.
PPE Hazard AssessmentEvaluating the workplace for potential hazards and selecting appropriate personal protective equipment.
Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)A systematic evaluation of the hazards associated with a process, often using techniques like HAZOP.
Process Safety AuditA systematic examination of a facility's processes to assess compliance with safety regulations and identify improvements.
Process Safety ManagementOSHA standard aimed at preventing or minimizing the consequences of catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals.
Protective ClothingApparel designed to protect the wearer from workplace hazards, such as chemical spills or heat.
Protective GlovesHand coverings designed to protect against specific workplace hazards, such as chemicals or sharp objects.
Pyrophoric MaterialsSubstances that can ignite spontaneously in the presence of air or moisture, requiring special handling precautions.
Radiation ExposureContact with ionizing or non-ionizing radiation that may pose health risks.
Radiation SafetyMeasures to protect workers from exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Radiological Emergency ResponseProcedures and protocols for responding to emergencies involving the release of radioactive materials.
RespiratorA device designed to protect the wearer from inhaling harmful substances.
Respiratory HazardsSubstances or conditions that can cause harm to the respiratory system, such as dust, fumes, or toxic gases.
Respiratory ProtectionPersonal protective equipment designed to protect the respiratory system from harmful substances.
Rigging SafetySafety measures for the setup and use of ropes, chains, and other equipment for lifting and moving loads.
Risk AssessmentEvaluation of potential risks associated with a particular activity or process.
Risk ControlMethods and strategies to minimize or eliminate workplace risks.
Safety ClimateThe shared perceptions and attitudes regarding safety within an organization.
Safety CultureThe shared values, beliefs, and attitudes regarding safety within an organization.
Safety Data ManagementOrganizing and managing safety-related data, including incident reports and safety inspections.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)The modern equivalent of MSDS, providing information on the properties of a chemical and safe handling procedures.
Safety HarnessA form of personal protective equipment worn to prevent falls from heights.
Safety InspectionSystematic examination of the workplace to identify and correct hazards.
Safety MomentA brief discussion or presentation focusing on a specific safety topic before starting a task or shift.
Safety OfficerA designated person responsible for overseeing and enforcing safety regulations.
Safety Signs and LabelsVisual cues and markings used to convey information about hazards, instructions, and safety precautions.
Safety TrainingFormal instruction and education to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to work safely.
Scaffolding SafetyGuidelines for the safe construction and use of scaffolding to prevent falls and injuries.
Seismic SafetyMeasures and building design considerations to protect against earthquakes and seismic events.
Silica ExposureContact with crystalline silica dust, which can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems.
Site-Specific Safety PlanA customized plan outlining safety measures and procedures for a specific work site.
Slips, Trips, and FallsAccidents resulting from slipping, tripping, or falling, often due to slippery surfaces, clutter, or uneven terrain.
Spill KitA collection of tools and materials for containing and cleaning up chemical spills.
Spill ResponseProcedures for handling and cleaning up hazardous substance spills.
Substance Abuse PolicyWorkplace policies and programs addressing issues related to the misuse of drugs or alcohol.
Thermal BurnsInjuries caused by contact with hot surfaces, liquids, or flames, resulting in damage to skin and underlying tissues.
Thermal StressStress on the body caused by extreme temperatures, either hot or cold.
ToxicologyThe study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.
Trench CollapseA sudden and dangerous collapse of the walls of a trench or excavation, posing a significant hazard to workers.
Trench SafetyMeasures to prevent accidents and injuries in trenches and excavations.
Ultraviolet (UV) RadiationElectromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays.
Ventilation SystemSystems and equipment designed to provide fresh air and remove contaminants from enclosed spaces.
Vibration HazardThe risk of injury or discomfort from prolonged exposure to mechanical oscillations.
Vibration White FingerA condition caused by prolonged exposure to vibrating tools, resulting in finger numbness and pain.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Organic chemicals that can evaporate into the air, potentially causing air pollution and health issues.
Walkway SafetyDesigning and maintaining walkways to prevent slips, trips, and falls.
Warehouse SafetySafety practices specific to the operations and hazards associated with warehouse environments.
Water SafetyMeasures to ensure safety in and around bodies of water, such as ponds or tanks.
Welding Fume ExtractionSystems and equipment designed to remove and filter welding fumes, protecting workers from respiratory hazards.
Welding SafetyGuidelines for safe welding practices to prevent burns, eye injuries, and respiratory hazards.
Work-Related StressStress caused or exacerbated by the demands and pressures of the workplace.
Working at HeightsSafety considerations and precautions for tasks performed at elevated locations.
Workplace ViolenceActs or threats of physical violence, intimidation, or harassment in the workplace.
XyleneA solvent used in various industrial processes, with potential health hazards.
Young Worker SafetySpecial considerations and measures for ensuring the safety of young or inexperienced workers.
Zero HarmA safety philosophy and goal aiming for zero workplace injuries and accidents.
Zero Incident RateA safety metric indicating a workplace with no recordable incidents over a specific period.
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