
AJAX progress indicator
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  • Abrasive BlastingA technique for cleaning, smoothing, or shaping a surface using abrasive materials propelled by compressed air or water.
  • AccidentAn unplanned event that results in injury, damage, or loss.
  • Accident InvestigationSystematic process of examining the circumstances of an accident to identify its causes and prevent recurrence.
  • Acoustic TraumaHearing damage caused by exposure to loud noises.
  • Acute ExposureShort-term exposure to a hazardous substance that can result in immediate health effects.
  • Air Quality MonitoringThe assessment of ambient air to measure and control the presence of pollutants and ensure a healthy work environment.
  • Airborne ContaminantsParticles or gases that are present in the air and may pose a health risk when inhaled.
  • AmmoniaA colorless gas with a strong odor, commonly used in refrigeration but can be hazardous in high concentrations.
  • ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute - develops and publishes safety standards.
  • AsbestosA fibrous mineral once used in construction but now recognized as a health hazard, particularly for respiratory health.
  • AsphyxiantA substance that can cause suffocation by displacing oxygen in the air.
  • AsphyxiationA condition where the body is deprived of oxygen, leading to unconsciousness or death.
  • b

  • Behavioral SafetyA safety approach that focuses on changing behavior to improve safety performance.
  • BenzeneA volatile organic compound used in various industries, with potential health hazards.
  • BerylliumA metal used in various industries, with potential health hazards, especially if inhaled as dust or fumes.
  • BiohazardBiological substances that pose a threat to the health of living organisms.
  • Blinding LightIntense light that can cause temporary or permanent vision impairment or discomfort.
  • Bloodborne PathogensMicroorganisms transmitted through blood and other body fluids that can cause diseases.
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  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)A colorless, odorless gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels, posing a health risk.
  • CarcinogenA substance capable of causing cancer.
  • Cascading FailureA series of interconnected failures or breakdowns in a system, leading to a larger incident.
  • Chemical ExposureContact with a chemical substance that may result in harm to the body or health.
  • Combustible DustFine particles that present a fire or explosion hazard when suspended in the air.
  • Combustible Gas DetectorAn instrument that detects the presence of flammable gases in the air and provides an alarm.
  • Confined SpaceA space with limited entry and exit points, making it challenging to enter and exit.
  • Confined Space EntryEntering and working in spaces with limited entry and exit points, posing potential hazards.
  • Contamination ControlProcedures and measures to prevent the spread of hazardous materials in the workplace.
  • Continuous ImprovementThe ongoing effort to improve processes, products, or services over time.
  • Contractor SafetyEnsuring the safety of workers hired by external contractors.
  • CPRCardiopulmonary Resuscitation - emergency procedure to revive a person with a stopped heart.
  • Crane SafetyGuidelines and measures for the safe operation of cranes and lifting equipment.
  • Critical Incident Stress ManagementSupport programs designed to help individuals cope with stress and trauma resulting from critical incidents.
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  • Defensive DrivingDriving practices aimed at preventing accidents and minimizing risks on the road.
  • Dermal ExposureExposure to hazardous substances through the skin.
  • Diesel ExhaustEmissions from diesel engines, containing harmful substances that can pose health risks.
  • Disaster PreparednessPlanning and organizing activities to minimize the impact of disasters.
  • Disaster Recovery PlanProcedures and strategies for recovering and resuming operations after a significant disruption or disaster.
  • Dust ControlMethods to reduce and control the generation and spread of dust in the workplace.
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  • Electrical SafetyMeasures taken to prevent electrical hazards in the workplace.
  • Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)Fields produced by the movement of electrically charged particles, with potential health effects on humans.
  • Emergency Evacuation PlanProcedures to safely evacuate people from a building or area in case of an emergency.
  • Emergency LightingIllumination provided during power outages or emergencies to ensure safe evacuation and operations.
  • Emergency Response PlanComprehensive plan outlining actions to be taken in response to various emergencies.
  • ErgonomicsDesigning the workplace to fit the capabilities and limitations of the human body.
  • Evacuation PlanA detailed plan outlining the procedures for safely evacuating a building or facility during emergencies.
  • Excavation SafetyPrecautions and procedures for safe digging and excavation work to prevent collapses and cave-ins.
  • Eye ProtectionPersonal protective equipment designed to protect the eyes from potential hazards.
  • Eye Wash StationA device designed for rinsing the eyes to relieve irritation or remove hazardous substances.
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  • Fall Arrest SystemSafety equipment designed to prevent falls and protect workers from injury.
  • Fall ProtectionMeasures to prevent falls from heights.
  • Fire BlanketA safety device used to smother small fires by cutting off the supply of oxygen.
  • Fire DrillA practice exercise to ensure that occupants of a building can evacuate safely and efficiently in the event of a fire.
  • Fire ExtinguisherPortable device used to control or extinguish small fires.
  • Fire SafetyPractices aimed at preventing and controlling fires.
  • First AidImmediate care provided to a person who has been injured or is suddenly ill.
  • Flame Resistant ClothingApparel designed to resist ignition and prevent the spread of flames, providing protection against fire hazards.
  • Substances that can easily catch fire.
  • Flammable LiquidsLiquids with the potential to ignite and burn easily.
  • Forklift SafetyGuidelines and practices for the safe operation of forklifts in industrial settings.
  • FormaldehydeA colorless gas with a strong odor, used in various products but can be a respiratory irritant and carcinogenic.
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  • Gas Cylinder StorageSafe practices for storing and handling compressed gas cylinders to prevent leaks and accidents.
  • Gas DetectionMonitoring and detecting the presence of hazardous gases in the environment.
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  • Hand-Arm Vibration SyndromeA condition caused by prolonged use of vibrating hand-held tools, resulting in damage to nerves, blood vessels, and joints.
  • Hazard AnalysisSystematic evaluation of workplace hazards to prevent accidents.
  • Hazard ControlMethods to minimize or eliminate workplace hazards.
  • Hazardous Area ClassificationIdentifying and classifying areas where the presence of flammable gases or dust may pose an explosion risk.
  • Substances that, due to their chemical nature, pose a risk to human health or the environment.
  • HAZCOMHazard Communication - OSHA standard for communicating information about chemical hazards.
  • HAZWOPERHazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response - OSHA standard for dealing with hazardous waste.
  • Heat ExchangerA device used to transfer heat between fluids, with safety considerations for preventing burns and overheating.
  • Heat StressPhysical stress on the body caused by excessive heat.
  • Hot WorkAny work that involves burning, welding, or the use of open flames or heat-producing equipment.
  • Hot Work PermitAuthorization required before performing any work that could generate heat, sparks, or flames in a potentially flammable area.
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  • Incident InvestigationA process of examining incidents to identify their causes and prevent recurrence.
  • Incident ReportingReporting and documenting workplace incidents, near misses, and accidents.
  • Indoor Air QualityThe quality of air within buildings and structures, which can affect the health and comfort of occupants.
  • Industrial HygieneAnticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling workplace conditions that may cause illness or injury.
  • Ionizing RadiationRadiation with sufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, posing health risks.
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  • Job Hazard AnalysisA systematic process for identifying and controlling hazards associated with specific jobs.
  • Job Safety Analysis (JSA)A systematic process for identifying and addressing the hazards associated with a particular job.
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  • Ladder SafetyGuidelines for the safe use of ladders to prevent falls and injuries.
  • Laser SafetyMeasures to protect against the harmful effects of lasers, including eye injuries and skin burns.
  • Lead AbatementMethods for reducing or eliminating lead hazards, particularly during renovation or demolition activities.
  • Lead ExposureContact with lead, a toxic metal that can cause serious health issues.
  • Devices used to lift and move heavy objects safely.
  • Lockout/TagoutProcedures to control hazardous energy during equipment maintenance and servicing.
  • Lockout/Tagout ProgramA safety procedure to control hazardous energy during maintenance and servicing of machines and equipment.
  • Lockout/Tagout TrainingInstruction and education on the proper procedures for locking out and tagging equipment during maintenance.
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  • Machine GuardingPhysical barriers or devices to protect workers from the moving parts of machinery.
  • Machine SafeguardingMethods to protect workers from the moving parts of machinery and equipment.
  • Machine SafetyEnsuring the safe operation of machinery to prevent accidents and injuries.
  • Manual HandlingThe lifting, carrying, and moving of objects by hand, requiring proper ergonomic techniques.
  • MercuryA toxic metal that can cause health issues, particularly if inhaled as vapors or absorbed through the skin.
  • MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheet - Provides information about the properties of a chemical and safe handling procedures.
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  • Nanotechnology SafetySafety measures specific to working with materials at the nanoscale.
  • Near MissAn incident that did not result in injury or damage but had the potential to do so.
  • Noise ControlMeasures to reduce or control excessive noise in the workplace.
  • Noise ReductionTechniques and measures to minimize or control workplace noise to prevent hearing loss.
  • Non-Ionizing RadiationRadiation with insufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, including microwaves and radio waves.
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  • Occupational DiseaseA disease resulting from exposure to workplace hazards over an extended period.
  • Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL)The permissible concentration of a hazardous substance in the air over a specified period.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)A U.S. government agency responsible for setting and enforcing workplace safety and health regulations.
  • Overhead Crane SafetyGuidelines for the safe operation of overhead cranes, including lifting and moving heavy loads.
  • Oxygen DeficiencyA condition where the concentration of oxygen in the air is below the levels required for normal human respiration.
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  • Permit-Required Confined SpaceA confined space that has one or more specified hazards, requiring a permit for entry.
  • Permit to WorkA formal system to control potentially hazardous work activities.
  • Personal Air SamplingMonitoring the air that an individual breathes to assess exposure to specific airborne contaminants.
  • Personal Fall ProtectionEquipment and measures to protect individuals from falls when working at heights.
  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)Inspection and testing of electrical appliances to ensure they are safe for use in the workplace.
  • PPEPersonal Protective Equipment - gear worn to minimize exposure to workplace hazards.
  • PPE Hazard AssessmentEvaluating the workplace for potential hazards and selecting appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)A systematic evaluation of the hazards associated with a process, often using techniques like HAZOP.
  • Process Safety AuditA systematic examination of a facility's processes to assess compliance with safety regulations and identify improvements.
  • Process Safety ManagementOSHA standard aimed at preventing or minimizing the consequences of catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals.
  • Protective ClothingApparel designed to protect the wearer from workplace hazards, such as chemical spills or heat.
  • Protective GlovesHand coverings designed to protect against specific workplace hazards, such as chemicals or sharp objects.
  • Pyrophoric MaterialsSubstances that can ignite spontaneously in the presence of air or moisture, requiring special handling precautions.
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  • Radiation ExposureContact with ionizing or non-ionizing radiation that may pose health risks.
  • Radiation SafetyMeasures to protect workers from exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
  • Radiological Emergency ResponseProcedures and protocols for responding to emergencies involving the release of radioactive materials.
  • RespiratorA device designed to protect the wearer from inhaling harmful substances.
  • Respiratory HazardsSubstances or conditions that can cause harm to the respiratory system, such as dust, fumes, or toxic gases.
  • Respiratory ProtectionPersonal protective equipment designed to protect the respiratory system from harmful substances.
  • Rigging SafetySafety measures for the setup and use of ropes, chains, and other equipment for lifting and moving loads.
  • Risk AssessmentEvaluation of potential risks associated with a particular activity or process.
  • Risk ControlMethods and strategies to minimize or eliminate workplace risks.
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  • Safety ClimateThe shared perceptions and attitudes regarding safety within an organization.
  • Safety CultureThe shared values, beliefs, and attitudes regarding safety within an organization.
  • Safety Data ManagementOrganizing and managing safety-related data, including incident reports and safety inspections.
  • Safety Data Sheet (SDS)The modern equivalent of MSDS, providing information on the properties of a chemical and safe handling procedures.
  • Safety HarnessA form of personal protective equipment worn to prevent falls from heights.
  • Safety InspectionSystematic examination of the workplace to identify and correct hazards.
  • Safety Integrity Level (SIL)A measure of the reliability and effectiveness of safety instrumented systems.
  • Safety MomentA brief discussion or presentation focusing on a specific safety topic before starting a task or shift.
  • Safety OfficerA designated person responsible for overseeing and enforcing safety regulations.
  • Safety Signs and LabelsVisual cues and markings used to convey information about hazards, instructions, and safety precautions.
  • Safety TrainingFormal instruction and education to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to work safely.
  • Scaffolding SafetyGuidelines for the safe construction and use of scaffolding to prevent falls and injuries.
  • Seismic SafetyMeasures and building design considerations to protect against earthquakes and seismic events.
  • Silica ExposureContact with crystalline silica dust, which can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems.
  • Site-Specific Safety PlanA customized plan outlining safety measures and procedures for a specific work site.
  • Slips, Trips, and FallsAccidents resulting from slipping, tripping, or falling, often due to slippery surfaces, clutter, or uneven terrain.
  • Spill KitA collection of tools and materials for containing and cleaning up chemical spills.
  • Spill ResponseProcedures for handling and cleaning up hazardous substance spills.
  • Substance Abuse PolicyWorkplace policies and programs addressing issues related to the misuse of drugs or alcohol.
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  • Thermal BurnsInjuries caused by contact with hot surfaces, liquids, or flames, resulting in damage to skin and underlying tissues.
  • Thermal StressStress on the body caused by extreme temperatures, either hot or cold.
  • ToxicologyThe study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.
  • Trench CollapseA sudden and dangerous collapse of the walls of a trench or excavation, posing a significant hazard to workers.
  • Trench SafetyMeasures to prevent accidents and injuries in trenches and excavations.
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  • Ultraviolet (UV) RadiationElectromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays.
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  • Ventilation SystemSystems and equipment designed to provide fresh air and remove contaminants from enclosed spaces.
  • Vibration HazardThe risk of injury or discomfort from prolonged exposure to mechanical oscillations.
  • Vibration White FingerA condition caused by prolonged exposure to vibrating tools, resulting in finger numbness and pain.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Organic chemicals that can evaporate into the air, potentially causing air pollution and health issues.
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  • Walkway SafetyDesigning and maintaining walkways to prevent slips, trips, and falls.
  • Warehouse SafetySafety practices specific to the operations and hazards associated with warehouse environments.
  • Water SafetyMeasures to ensure safety in and around bodies of water, such as ponds or tanks.
  • Welding Fume ExtractionSystems and equipment designed to remove and filter welding fumes, protecting workers from respiratory hazards.
  • Welding SafetyGuidelines for safe welding practices to prevent burns, eye injuries, and respiratory hazards.
  • Work-Related StressStress caused or exacerbated by the demands and pressures of the workplace.
  • Safety considerations and precautions for tasks performed at elevated locations.
  • Workplace ViolenceActs or threats of physical violence, intimidation, or harassment in the workplace.
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  • XyleneA solvent used in various industrial processes, with potential health hazards.
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  • Young Worker SafetySpecial considerations and measures for ensuring the safety of young or inexperienced workers.
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  • Zero HarmA safety philosophy and goal aiming for zero workplace injuries and accidents.
  • Zero Incident RateA safety metric indicating a workplace with no recordable incidents over a specific period.